The asset-based approach to community development is one that Ikhala Trust supports, because we believe:
- deep and lasting community change always comes from within
- every person has abilities and gifts
- residents are experts and key change agents
Additionally, the approach:
- fosters social duties and freedoms
- uses little outside supplies to make lasting change – building from the inside out
- develops a personal basis for making change happen
Through its small grants, Ikhala Trust backs non-profit organisations in the Eastern Cape that are already using an asset-based approach to development of their community.
What are Community Assets?
Assets refer to skills, knowledge, associations, networks and resources that add value to community life. Especially relevant are the five main kinds of assets:
- Human assets like skills, knowledge, labour and health
- Social assets like social networks and relationships of trust and reciprocity
- Natural assets like land, water, fertile soil, animals, weather patterns and slopes
- Financial assets like cash, livestock, grain stores, savings and pensions
- Physical assets like roads, bridges, clinics, schools, transport, shelter, water supply and sanitation
How Ikhala Trust Supports Asset-Based Community Development
Several times during every year, Ikhala Trust and its supported organisations offer Asset-Based Community Development training throughout the Eastern Cape. The trainers undergo professional training with Ninnette Eliasov from Elamanzi before they may train others with Ikhala Trust materials.
As part of the agreement to use Ikhala Trust training material, supported organisations commit not to charge participants for training.
Training generally happens over four days, and include the following broad themes:
- Day 1 & 2: Paradigm – the way of thinking/seeing
- Day 2: Process – the logical way of doing something
- Day 3 & 4: Practice – methods and tools for Asset-Based Community Development
People from a range of organisations find the training useful. We have had participants from the Department of Social Development, Eastern Cape Rural Development Agency, Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University and many more, in addition to several smaller community-based organisations.
All organisations that receive small grants from Ikhala Trust attend Asset-Based Community Development training. If you, or your organisation, would like to make use of our training, please contact us to add you to our database and let you know when training happens near you.
Further information about Asset-Based Community Development is available through